Weirdo Me
Indeed it's been a month and now I am feeling a little empty.
But then again, it could just be my period making me feel this way again. After all, like I said, it's been a month.
The D&D is on Thursday. It's Tuesday now. How exciting. I want it to end so I don't need to worry so much about it, but I don't want it to end because I really do enjoy organising such things. I'm a weirdo I tell you.
Another 2 firsts last weekend. Mr biker friend brought me to this place in Sengkang. A jetty to be exact. Damn. I didn't know that Sengkang was actually along the edge of Singapore. What kind of Singaporean am I? Haha! It was a nice quiet spot that was very safe - 'cos there was a police post there on that tiny stretch. Interesting.
The other first? I went to Sentosa in the middle of the night and finally made a stop at the long-ago-opened Cafe Del Mar. It was another very enjoyable time. Plus, the movie we caught that night was Enchanted. Truly enchanting. Hilarious and very romantic. The singing and dancing is exactly how I used to dream I could be in the real world. If only huh?
Every year I come up with a wish list that never comes true. Since when did I ever get any of the items on the list? Never. So I've decided to come up with a more realistic one (just in case anyone plans to get me anything. Heeheeheeheehee..)
1) A tiny portable radio with earphones - something I can put on my office desk and play on speaker mode or for myself
2) That particular pair of Levi's Crystal jeans (waiting for Jass' 25% off to buy it)
3) That particular pair of black Charles & Keith boots size 37 (i just want a pair of boots lah.)
I'm sure there'll be more to add to the list but at the moment this is all the space my mind has got.
Before I fell asleep yesterday, a thought just struck my mind: I realised that my friends are very lucky to have me. Just like I am extremely happy to have all of them. I forgot what made me think about it, but I did. Like I already said, I'm a weirdo.
I've got so many various sides of myself - and each group of people bring them out. It is so very fun to have friends from all the various different walks of life, with different interests, different habits, different backgrounds. I see a different side of life everytime I hear the situations they face, how they deal with them, and get to understand each one a tiny bit better.
You've got to be me to understand how it fascinates me. I think it's because of my sheltered and pampered life. The extremely wonderful care that my parents have given me would have been taken for granted if not for the people surrounding me. They never fail to prove that my life has always been very good, and that I have been lucky in many ways.
I am a jack of "almost" all trades, but a master of none. But this is what has allowed me to move from one group to another seamlessly while being myself. I'm lousy at playing pool, nor do I know much about motorcycles, neither can I play any other games - but knowing a bit of each has helped in some way. Going along makes it easy to be with. Because to me, it's the company that makes the activity worthwhile.
Still, I'm a tad too easy to please aren't I? Whichever side I am showing, I'm still too easy. I am soooo upping my standard. But I will keep smiling and laughing just as much. Why not?
The stories I tell are the same, and the way I speak doesn't change. Yet a different side of me is displayed each time. It's not even about the mannerisms. I don't know how to explain it. Like I said, you've got to be me to understand it. Or perhaps see me in action.
I am out to know more people. And continue building stronger ties with those I already know. Part of my resolution perhaps.
There's so much to discover out there. I know most people enjoy travelling to see the world and experience different cultures, etc etc... but I think there's a whole new world behind each person I meet. All around us. Everyday.
Life is an adventure. Live it. Love it.
"I've been dreaming of a true love's kiss... da da da la la la..."
I don't think I'm ready to fall in love again so quickly... but damn it. I am actually looking forward to it.
Please let there be someone who'll come along to love me for the weirdo I am....... :O)