Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Surprise Birthday Preset - SUCCESS!

WOohoo! Full delivery of the birthday present completed!
I'm so happy!

Gone to Sarawak in a weekend and back again. Feels like so long ago.

Photos on my Facebook but .. I hope to write about it here. So much not said from the photos. :O)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lack of photos

I really should use my HP camera more - otherwise i'll land up buying a separate gadget just for snapping photos. Very tempting... but it'll only mean more $$$!

The IT show was a good chance but I was more happy to get out of there than anything. Dumb human traffic at City Link was the worst. Idiotic marshalls were trying to re-direct people out of the underpass. HELLO!?! Did they not know it was raining outside that is why so many people were inside?!

It was very poorly handled. They only needed to put the barricades in the middle and control the traffic flow like on the roads. 2 way traffic. Not cordon off an entire area and ask them to get out.

Anyway, on the brighter side, on Friday I watched my friend strut his stuff on stage for the Cleo's 50 Eligible Bachelors party in Zirca. Maybe gals are supposed to like it when guys with 6 - 12 pacs strip or do silly stuff. If that's the case, perhaps I'm not just another gal. I'm just a different one.

Very funny hosting by Hossaan Leong of course. Thanks to him that he made the show good. I mean the rest of the show was entertaining but... I guess I'm just not the man-hungry kinda gal.

Saturday was really nice though. House party at my friend's place was fantastic. Played silly guessing games and drank quite a bit. The perks of having your own place.

Trip to Hong Kong is booked.
Trip to KL is postponed till May/July.
Surprise trip is next weekend (damn it. I should be packing. not typing.)
Birthday party food and drinks to be settled.
Paid tickets for Cats.
Yet to pay for Bintan trip that is booked.

Damn. It's all a little much.
Should focus on the upcoming one first.

Till then ... I have last minute ktv tomorrow, maybe late dinner on Wed after my 8pm mtg, German class on Thurs ...

Monday, March 09, 2009

I'm still here...

Yep. Hard to believe but I'm actually still here......

I can't say that life has been a bed of roses with all that is happening in the economy, but so far, it hasn't hit me personally yet.

The worldly matters are sometimes too big for me. I am, after all, just another one of those who is part of the cycle in capitalism, and simply a pawn in all these. I have absolutely no control as to how I can help so my only concern is how it will affect me - and how I should deal with it.

My job seems fairly stable for now, despite me being in a bank.
As for MK, he's still ok for now too. Lots of matters to settle (like housing - so anyone with lobang for cheap studio apts pls shout)..
My family is fine.. no big commitements so no big concerns as yet.
A couple of good friends with hiccups in their respective relationships - but I hope they'll be strong and move on 'cos it was totally the other person's lost anyway.

I just finished my German basic exam last weekend and if I pass, I'll be able to take the next level. I really enjoy doing this. A 3rd language is incredibly difficult when you don't get to hear and use it as often as you'd like, but the sense of achievement is amazing.

THe next few weekends are all packed already.
Fri I should be going to my secondary school since one of the teachers is a friend, and has directed a musical. This weekend will be the viewing of an apartment.. then I have a party to attend.. and Sunday the IT show of course.

I can't remember what I have for next weekend but I bet it's filled.
The following weekend I have a surprise lined up for MK and I'm crossing my fingers that it goes as planned and he likes it. Supposed to be his birthday present. Sigh. I seem to be running out of ideas for presents.

In April, I may be going to KL, but I'll definitely be catching CATS, celebrate MK's birthday, keep his parents company since they'll be in Singapore, attend his nephew's birthday party, and go to Bintan.

Phooooh. What a mouthful for just 2 months.

In other news .......

I have evidence that my jeans are tighter, and at least 2 other people have confirmed it - INCLUDING MY MUM!

That just seals the deal that I have definitely put on weight.

Nothing against doing that since I was always deemed to skinny to begin with but ... it's starting to show in areas that are not so pleasant for weight to be.

Damn it. This is the max I should go.. so now the trick is to stay here. I know exercise is probably THE way to maintain but ... perhaps controlling my food intake will be easiest for me. Heeheehee...

For the kiki fans... here he is... on a trip we did to the countryside of Singapore.

I miss him too 'cos I'm always with MK during the weekends, but now that my classes are not on Saturday afternoon, I should have more time to be able to come back and spend some time with him.

And now that MK's housemate is not there, I could perhaps do another night at his place. I'm still sitting on the idea... the thought of having to pack my clothes here and there is painful, but sometimes thinking about being able to sleep and wake up next to him just makes it all more than worth the trouble.

I hope I'm not turning into a sticky leech. I think I've been kept busy with a lot of my own activities as well. He has lots of time to spend with his gang. I really think it is a healthy relationship so far, and it is working out for now.

But we are taking this slowly and are not going to let ourselves rush into anything. For example, me moving in with him. As much as I'd like to, and he might want it too, we're still very hesitant.

As for moving to Germany, it has been discussed before. I would go if he does, but I would prefer if it was just for a couple of years or less, not more. As long as I have a job there.

And the big M marriage? Haha! Let's just say I'm not thinking about it .. yet. So needless to say, not even babies. No need to rush anything at all. I am rather enjoying it slow. There's an impatience and eagerness in me, yet savouring that sweetness in the air.

Marriage is actually not this ang moh's thing. To him, it's all a big show and there is no need for it. I am not one to go and change his beliefs, and when the day comes that I feel that it absolutely necessary then perhaps I'll have enough reason to convince him otherwise.

Ah well. As the Chinese say: Walk one step, see one step. My focus is on doing my job well, saving up money, spend as much time as I can with my family, friends and bf, learn as much as I can... and basically do whatever makes me happy.

I hope that I get to perform again. I love the feeling. Anyone have gigs to intro? Heehee... We're not expensive! :O)

My updates are on Facebook nowadays, but blogging is still the only way I can say much more. I do have a lot of thoughts in me.. the only problem is getting them out. I guess I need people to ask me questions so I can answer them. Otherwise sometimes I can't really organise my thoughts that well any more.

Damn. Getting old AND fat. Horrible combination.

To whoever is reading this, thanks for "listening". Drop me a line, ask me a question.. communicate with me in any way you like - no stalking though.

Appreciate it.