After months of my complaining, toiling, crying (ok, only once), and frustration...
In my opinion, it was rather successful - considering we managed to fill the hall and therefore make a huge profit, and most importantly, we sounded rather good.
I spent the entire night PR-ing with the VIPs and messing around with the ushers and photographer, I nearly broke down. Big Edmund, Weida, Yingshan, Qiuyu, Kaiqi, Yan Lin, Jarrod, Sze Ling, Shengjie, and soooooooo sooooo many many more all made sure I pulled myself together and survive.
It was a relief to know everyone had fun. And that the audience enjoyed it.
THere were plenty of flowers, photos, name-shouting.... but none for me lehz... kaoz. I only gave 2 big bouquets away nia. That's the closest I got to holding any flowers.
Photos? Only those with me on stage playing with the band, or presenting something to someone. Mummy didn't bring a camera, and needless to say, neither did my friends.
But hey, they came, and that was what mattered. It was a proud moment to show them that this entire concert has been what I have been working on these few months. And to my parents too. It was a big scale event. The first I'd ever done.
I have learnt so much from this experience. I'll be learning more when I plan the road ahead for CTAWE (Clementi Town Alumni Wind Ensemble). It'll be a steep uphill task getting support from the teachers and conductors. I hope that this concert managed to showcase our strengths.
So, yep, no photos for this entry. But a lot of thank yous have gone out to many many people. Even YL was my usher (bloody hell 2 ushers backed out 3 hrs before concert. Irresponsible kids.).
I knew I'd go back empty handed, so when I made the gifts for the VIPs and guest players, I made an extra one for myself. A namecard holder with the engraving "CLEMENTI TOWN ALUMNI WIND ENSEMBLE". I think it's really pretty, useful and meaningful.
But I guess at the end of the day, receiving more "Thank you"s than I can dish out was the real reward. It feels good to be appreciated and that's all I needed.
It'll be back to band work for me after we officially do up the accounts and declare our profit. This money will help us survive for another couple of years, in case the school does not allow us to continue practice on the make-shift premise next year. (The school is shifting to Commonwealth while the current location gets renovated.)
I'll also need to organise a post-concert celebration, an AGM for the election of the new committee, and hold a meeting with the teachers and conductors.
Lots more to do in the background.
I'm going to miss Friday practices. I am going to suffer cold turkey from not being able to make music together for another very long while......