Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Balancing my life

I have been extremely busy at work. Pretty ridiculous workload - but of course, only because I have studies to worry about. Without it, I strongly believe I can handle it all.

I missed the 1st band practice for the year yesterday night thanks to a lousy accounts exam. Bloody exam wanted us to draw up a balance sheet, profit and loss, cash flow and many other stuff in 3 hours. I was out of there in 2 1/2 hours - without the balance sheet, P/L nor cash flow. HAHAHA! Waste of time.

I had my vice-president take care of things at band. When I went over to Macdonalds at Clementi, we had a meeting to discuss matter arising from practice (which I heard had a good turn out!!!) and things to note for the next.

It's fun to be the manager. You get to delegate the tougher work. But at the same time, I realise that being a manager means a hell lot of resposibilities, requires incredible foresight and planning, and need to monitor the work being done.

I also notice how much confidence I need to have at being the leader of this band. And this type of confidence cannot be from any make-up or beautiful clothes you have, but from being able to have trust in your decisions and directions. Absolutely having faith in your members to do the work. Putting on the front that I know what I'm doing, and everything will turn out fine.

What I learn and observe at work, I'm applying at band. What I do at band, I apply at school work. What I learn at school, I apply at work. How handy all these are coming together.

Wonderful that I have a great boyfriend, a superb family [A pity my sister has to treat our home like a hotel cum laundry though. Comes home once every 2-3 days, throws her clothes down, occasionally sleeps over. My mum must feel like a chambermaid. Sigh...] and very supportive friends.

Unless you've tried working and studying at the same time, I don't think one can understand how much it take out of you - of course, unless you are a mother, you're in a totally different league altogether.

I have an HR exam in less than 2 hours. But ki's here so needless to say, so much for studying.

I'll be going to the IT show later on. I want to pick up 2 thumbdrives - one to backup all the photos of kiki in our computer, another one for myself. I also read there's a booth at level 4 (in the IT fair???) for Casio Privias - which are digital pianos. Who knows? I may just pick one up there!

Next week will be another killer week at work. My job scope is beginning to grow and include more things. I'm fine with that. I learn more. Plus it's easier to justify a pay raise. Slowly I'll pick up more managerial tasks I think. SLLLOOOWWWWLLLYYY.

I still do not think I should ever be a manager in an office. I'll so screw it up. Being a "manager" at band is a totally different thing - people help, and genuinely want everything to work out. No hidden agenda, no politicking.

I'm considered relatively poor compared to others who are getting so much more in terms of salary and bonuses. But I strongly believe that as a person, I am growing richer everyday. The people who love the arts usually have to sacrifice their monetary wealth for their pursuit - I understand that now.

But it'll be worth it.
It is worth it.


At 2:49 PM, Blogger Mockingbird said...

Balance is indeed the key to life :)


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