Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where is my boyfriend?

He's avoiding me. The last time I heard from him was yesterday morning.

There are many things I'm guessing about him during this silence. Who knows where he's gone out to play too...

Still, I've spoken to his mum, who says he has been very depressed lately. She tells me he's spoken to him, and that he is just very confused and lost. That I don't need to worry or think too much. That he will call me. And that he does love me very much. But is afraid of disappointing me one day.

I don't know why this is striking him all of a sudden. I most certainly couldn't have triggered anything of this scale. Yet, something did.

I don't know if it would serve as a good wake up call? Or whether it is a cooling off period for both of us to re-evaluate what we want out of this relationship and our lives.

Ok, so maybe it's just him. I've been very clear about what I want. Who I want. How I want. Although I may not always be so gung-ho and get everything on my list done, as a broad overview, I would think that I have managed my life such that it has been going in the right direction.

Do all guys get such "times of reflection"?

I've spoken to several guys, and I value all the input. From the negative to the positive, I've been extremely rational and evaluated them according to his personality. Still, too many scenarios appear.

I continue to wait till he contacts me. I have been looking forward so much to spending this weekend with him...

Come back to me Dearie.. Whatever it is, we can always work things out and talk it through.....


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