Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Not on MC yet

I still haven't taken the MC I said I probably needed. Monday had meeting in the morning. Was busy the whole day after. Tuesday same thing. Today worse - meeting in the afternoon. Biangz. Want to take half day MC also don't know how.

It's not that I feel extremely horrible like fever, headache (ok lahz, a bit), etc etc, but I feel that I could do with some of that rest. Maybe I really should just go ahead and take a good nap at home - then tomorrow can go ktv! hahahahaha...

Emotionally, I'm feeling better now. I guess blurting out on my blog helped me vent the pent up frustration.

Then my mum has to call and ask about the pig's birthday dinner thingy. It's going to be a table for us family people. She wants to eat crab, my mummy refuses ('cos it's live). And so the battle goes on. I'm so tired of being the middle person all the time.

What is it going to take for anyone to notice how damn frustrated I am?! I often wonder what will happen if I were taken out of this world: will my mummy and sis be able to communicate? Will Dearie even notice that I'm gone?
Most problems I believe are brought upon ourselves. Similarly, I think this is the case for myself. I let myself be the buffer whenever my mummy and sis start to have disagreements 'cos I cannot stand it when they have their cold war.
I've always let Dearie know I'll be around. Don't think he's ever needed me (except when he wanted his bikey). Maybe it's time to show him that if he doesn't need/want me around, then maybe I shouldn't be.

I exaggerate.
Because I think too much.
Things are not that bad, are they? It's my sick mind playing with me.
Times like these I yearn... for some appreciation... for some affection... for some attention...

I used to be more selfless last time. What's happening to me? I need to reflect on myself a lot more... Who knows.. maybe psychology class can help since we're on the topic now.

My manager bringing me to see doctor now. Let's see if I get an MC.

Tonight's class: Accounts.


At 1:44 PM, Blogger -Jeanie. said...

hi, i understand how u feel bout ur dearie, about the part: will dearie ever notice when i am gone?

because i often think that way too.ya. i think we gals always let our bf noe we are around.so i think they will take us for granted.like bo char us like that that is how i feel...

yup. can say we are thinking too much. but sometimes, we cant help feeling that way...

At 5:29 PM, Blogger juz_A_ga| said...

yeah. but i think alot of the time guys are like that. 'cos the other type of guy is the possissive kind - and that would not be nice either. blech.

At 12:39 AM, Blogger blueapple said...

Yeah.. i think we girls shouldnt give in too much.. guys will take it for granted.

"Most problems I believe are brought upon ourselves"

I agreed.


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