Studies, an "appeal", and an odd video
Last year, at this time, I was freaking out about sociology and econs. Now, history repeats itself. I'm frekaing out about:
- Accounts
- Marketing
- Social Psychology
- Human Resource Mgt
I desperately need to get my act together and study. I'm starting to consider tuition for accounts. Argh...
I've been updating this blog just about everyday. To those who read my blog, I hope I keep you entertained enough. Haha! I sure do keep myself entertained. This blog is a diary, as much as like a scrapbook, for me.
I believe this is the first time I'm actually "talking" to my "audience". Here goes:
I need to get a digital camera for the office and am considering between Canon Powershot or Ixus, or Nikon S1 or Coolpix 4600. Anyone out there who has used any of these have any reviews, pls pls pls let me know.
I personally like Casio's Exilim ALOT but it's really expensive. If you've got any other recommendations regarding brand, model or even where to get them at low prices, please let me know.
Meanwhile, to keep your good self entertained while you think about my above "appeal" on reviews, you may like to check out this really bizarre game show.
[Courtesy of Valentinoo who posted the link on sgforums]
Thankfully marketing is not so foreign since we are all exposed to marketing everyday. Just need to practise how to put it on paper.
I've never done Accounts in my life so everything I learn now seems fairly alien.
the other 2 are nuts. I don't know why I chose to take them together. arghhhhh.........
Ruben: Like you, I don't wish to suffer the effects of a bad hangover so I'll try to lay off the alcohol as much as possible. heehee!
among all the business related subjects i hated is human resource too dry for me... i can score finance and econs... oi that video so stupid one... i watched already wah japanese girls so degrading
hiao auntie: ya. plenty of degrading stuff around. this is just an example of 1. it's just weird.
i never knew HRM was so dry. blech. i dunno how i'm ever gonna get past this yr.
if you dun understand just keep asking questions... most lecturers kinda like it coz it shows somebody interested in their lessons... but if you ask for song onli and dun do well, they wun like you hahaha...
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