Deserve vs reality
Sunday was packed with activities.
From picking rubbish on St John Island, to watching the F1 race (that was stopped halfway), to watching Gran Torino (at last), and then going through the instructions with an ex-colleague on how to help to take care of their dog.
Just another weekend for us eh? Hahaha! Always packed. But why only Sunday? 'Cos my bf had to work the whole day on Saturday. BLOODY HELL. I hate it that my bf has to work so damn hard.. so much harder than others.. and yet get paid so much less than what he deserves. I really hate it.
I hope I can find a better job for him. Why can't he do it himself? How to? He got no time! Sighz. Let's see lah.
My mummy was just talking to me about how her health is failing her even more now.. SIGH... I worry for my mum, and in turn, worry for my dad. We 3 sisters are more than able to take care of ourselves. But my parents really deserve to sit back, relax, and enjoy the life they worked so hard for us to have.
Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt you so much you could cry just by seeing them in pain? When I was young, it was my younger sister. Now, it's my mummy.
It really sucks. And as much as it is not about how much time more I should spend at home, I still feel guilty about not spending enough time with Mummy. I think I'll take a day off during the Mother's Day period and bring my mummy somewhere. Very limited places to choose from, but I'm sure I'll come up with something. As always.
Anyway, on a happier note, here's evidence of the good deed some 30+ of us did on Sunday morning...

Some 200kg of rubbish ok?!
No pretty photos of myself so I shan't put them here. See facebook if you need a scare. Damn. My face is seriously rounder now.
Some may notice I have got a new hairstyle. Yes I do. Now I have bangs aka a short fringe. Haven't had that in years. Quite nicely cut by Louis in Kimage Prestige at Plaza Sing.
Anyway, I'm pumped up for the weekend already. Thursday night after my Deutschkurs, I'll be heading to Clarke Quay for some clubbing action (despite lugging around my heavy books).
Friday morning we'll wake up in our ex-colleague's place so we can walk the dog in the morning, and then again at night before we head back to his place.
Saturday will be a pool-side BBQ party at one of our Filipino ex-colleague's place. Then Sunday I'll be all dressed up to watch Cats at the Esplanade! Haven't bought Cat A tix in a loooong time!!! Time to think of what to wear.. HMM....
Then of course, Monday is my darling's birthday. He turns 30!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!! Speaking of which, I have yet to help him settle the catering for his party next weekend!
And his parents are coming already! GAAAAH! So much happening!!!
And all this are just happening in my personal life. There's lots to be said about work but it will not be convenient for me to bitch about here.
So no surprises if I disappear from my bloggie again hor. Bear with me.. I'll be on facebook though. Heehee... Do check in on me from time to time to see if I'm still sane.
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