Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Preparations for the birthday

Saturday seemed to start off really fine, with kiki running into my room, saying, "Ah yee, wake up! Wake up!"

Shortly after I woke up he was bugging for his "swimming pool". It was already deflated you see, so my parents brought out the pump and worked hard on it.

Voila! The swimming pool. Haha!

When he realised he was not going to bathe any time soon, he moved on to his little bicycle. Unfortunately, the tyres needed to be pumped and apparently no one knew how to get it working. He was visibly distressed.

By that time we had to go out to get the pig's birthday cake at Secret Recipe, located at IMM. At least that got ki down from the bicycle since gai-gai is always welcome. haha!


We reached IMM with Ki in tow where he happily ran off with my dad to play allt he wonderful $1-kiddy rides. My mum and I were left fussing over collecting the cake.

From the start, this whole birthday thing was a mess. Since Saturday was the actual day, I can't say I didn't expect anything to not go wrong.
The fella at Secret Recipe said that the cake was not there. He asked his manager who checked his records and his reply hit us like a slap in the face.

"Someone called to change the pick-up location to Suntec at 7pm."

My mum and I stood there and stared. YL was previously supposed to pick up the cake and what happened was that she changed it to Suntec as a better location for her - but somehow her sms to inform me about this did not come through. I never got it.

We panicked. We couldn't get the Suntec branch on the line. Thankfully Secret Recipe's manger, despite handling heavy traffic at his outlet, helped us to call the delivery guy to check what time the cake would be ready. They confirmed that we would be able to collect it only between 5-7pm.

So mummy and I couldn't do anything (and neither could YL), so it was kiki time again. He was oblivious to what was happening - like all kids usually are of anything around them. So young and innocent. Love him to bits.

His favourite red car was finally working and he got to ride it a couple of times.

He even got to use the AXS machine.

Then he went up to his favourite playground where it was crowded as usual. I was busy running after him the entire time. Don't see him so small, legs so short ok? He runs very fast and doesn't really care where he's going. There were plenty of big kids swinging around on the bars and he'd just dash across. Dangerous.

He was very amused at a few big kids messing around with a merry-go-round. A big boy was laughing very hard on it while another boy and girl spent their energy spinning it faster and faster. I'm amazed that the boy on the merry-go-round didn't puke, though he did say he was going to - and was laughing while he said it. I think his head must have been really jumbled up by then.
Bad part was Ki wanted to get onto the merry-go-round too. Eeks. He insisted on going on 'cos when we tried to bluff him away, he stood his ground. My mummy, being the ever powerful, asked the kids if they could let ki on for a very slow round. The kids, who were extremely rowdy and a little rude to other kids, actually obliged. It was quite the sight to see them push the merry-go-round really slowly 2 rounds, and ki getting his few seconds of thrill. Haha!

Ki saw some boy on this "vehicle" which had the coin already put in. It had 2 steering wheels and he insisted on getting on. In fact, I think he got on pretty much by himself.


We headed home after leaving the playground. We informed ki's parents and the birthday girl that the cake-cutting would happen after dinner, instead of before.

Ki was ever delighted to come back to our place. When we got home, birthday girl was back too. She asked ki, "Who's birthday is it today?" And Ki actually managed to reply "Ah yee!" ['cos sometimes he would say KIKI!]

This time when he saw the 'swimming pool' again, my mum obliged to bathe him in it.

All cooled down from the bath and tired from playing earlier, it was time for his nap.


"Uncle!", Ki shouted. He had been waiting the whole morning sia. He ran to the door and I went to open it and sure enough, Dearie stepped in. Ki said he want to play with him, but my mummy say finish drinking milk then can play, so he quickly went into the room to drink milk, and fell asleep shortly after. Heehee! Small boy must always trick him. heehee!

Dearie and I spent the afternoon in front of our new digital cable channels while my mum and dad, ki and the suffering-from-hangover birthday girl slept (ON MY BED! argh).

To be continued...


At 12:46 PM, Blogger Mockingbird said...

That's an adorable newphew you got :) i believe he's probably older than my son. My son is now 27 months old. I think he would be happy living on the streets. Because he wants to gai gai all the time. Going home always seems like misery for him, somehow. He just doesn't like to be bound to one place all the time.

At 12:48 PM, Blogger juz_A_ga| said...

ah. BOYS. heehee! all the same. my nephew will be turning 3 this dec, so yeah.. he is older. heehee!

At 11:47 PM, Blogger Chang said...


At 11:52 PM, Blogger juz_A_ga| said...

he's the cutest little boy to me! haha!!! buey tahan. heehee!


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