Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Monday, August 15, 2005

What brand?!

When I got home today from a VERY HECTIC day at work, my dad turned on some music in the living room. For some reason I forgot that my living room did not have a hifi post-renovation till my mum shouted from the kitchen: Got new hifi! Go see!

This was what I saw first - 1 side of the speakers. Posted by Picasa

I am no techie so I had no idea that HYUNDAI actually made anything else than cars, up till this evening.

Got blue light when you turn it on some more.. Posted by Picasa

Look closely hor. HYUNDAI sia. And super multi-purpose too. Haha! Posted by Picasa


After admiring and enjoying the sounds of the new hifi, I went for my blardy class.

Met Crayola during the teabreak. She seems so awake at night even after half a day of teaching. She says she's more awake at night. Wow. Her course is Uni-SIM some more. THe 4th Singaporee University. RECOGNISED ok?! Mine is UOL, next time get degree already still need to worry if my company will raise my salary to 2k. Do you know our yearly increments (if we get any at all) can range from $10-$50. And this year those who got promoted can get only $100+?

No, it's not a small company I'm working for. It's all over Singapore.

I'm taking home $1100 odd. Luckily my parents provide for everything at home. And that my industrial area prevents me from splurging except during the weekends.

Of course, there's the fact that I actually like my job and colleagues so..... I'll stick around longer, till the day comes that $$$ has to become a factor.


Nearly dozed off during class. Super content heavy lecture. Don't know how all the siao-on fellow lecture-mates can do it. They seem to have read what they're supposed to, and know what they need to. Kaoz. Apparently sleeping on my notes does not help me absorb anything into my brain. Then again, it's seldom I ever touch my notes at home except to pack and unpack from my bag.

The exam is only in May 2006.

They make me stressed out.
My insomnia is back again.

I may need to study myself to sleep. If even THAT doesn't work ............ BLESS ME.


At 11:45 AM, Blogger cRayola said...

It was nice to see you too... hehe.. you sure looked like a office lady ( O L ) hehe..

Anyway, another reason for me being awake is, i'm simply too used to nightlife.. hehe..

Anyway nice seeing you again..

At 12:09 PM, Blogger juz_A_ga| said...

haha! I look like a very messy office lady huh? slippers and unkept hair... u haven't seen me with oversized pants. wait till u do, then u'll say i look like a office person in dire need of a makeover - inclusive of wardrobe. haha!

Hope to see u again soon!!!


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