Juz Another Gal

What else can I say? I'm just another girl!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Walking people; dieting; Ki's grandma

Isn't it irritating to have people stroll in front of you when you're in a hurry? Worst thing is that it's hard to "overtake" them when it's a narrow path?

Crappiest thing is that this kinda scenario always has to happen when I'm in a hurry. Wouldn't it be nice if people who want to crawl their way home walk on the left, and people who need to run can do so on the right? But fat hope. Even the drivers can't follow this simple WRITTEN rule, let alone "walkers".....

Take MRT also got problem getting on and off - blardy passengers don't understand that if people don't alight first, there's no space to board! SO GIVE WAY! argh...


Had a hectic day at work. Thankfully, this morning my manager managed to give me a lift to office to make my life a little better.
By the end of the day, I was all ready to dash for the company transport, when my colleague needed my help. What to do.. must help mah. I was not about to leave him in the lurch. Poor fella had to deal with the foreign people who were here for a meeting.

By the time I left the office was 6pm. I absolutely had to catch the Starhub bus out of the ulu industrial area. Met Voidy at the MRT station. so zhun sia.

It's good to wear flats to work. I can move quickly - despite the slow walkers. Got home at 6:30pm, packed my notes, ate dinner, and rushed out of the hosue and managed to sit down in time before class started.

Biangz. Super super tiring sia.


THe pig's on a diet. HAHAHAHAHAHA........ She's really adhering to it - 'cos her whole damn office is. HAHAHAHA! The whole thing sounds a bit too over the top. Sounds like a plan to turn everyone anorexic..... We shall see.


Kiki's grandma (my brother-in-law's mother) will be undergoing an operation for her spine. Hope all goes well. She won't be able to take care of kiki from next week onwards, so we can only wait and see how that arrangement goes.

Meanwhile, ki won't be over at our place this weekend so for anyone who's looking forward to seeing him, I'm afraid you'll have to dig my archives. Meanwhile, let me just post a few "unseen footage" for your viewing pleasure:

His favourite - cuddling up to Dearie for his ever so fascinating mobile phone that has both CAR and BALL games. hahaha! Posted by Picasa

Kiki wants a cooooookieeeeee... Posted by Picasa

He's holding a bottle of solution for bubbles. He loves blowing them, and squeals when the bubbles form. CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE! Posted by Picasa


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